Anna ka Dharna

Anna ka Dharna

 यह ब्लाग ओशो ने लिखा है । वह मेरा बेटा है । लिखकर के उसने मेरे ईमेल पर भेजा । मैं उसे यहां दे रहा हूं । लिखना पढना और खासकर समाज के ज्वलंत मुद्दो पर राय व्यक्त करना यह दर्शाता है कि आप समाज के लिये सोचते हैं और शायद यह सोच आपको समाज के लिये कुछ करने को भी बाध्य करती है ।

Anna Hazare, a well known public figure since the time his Lokpal stint gave him the INDIAN MEDIA’S  MOST ACCLAIMED “BHOOK HARTALI” AWARD is well known by all of us. So this just a reality check at how real is Anna Hzare’s claim to fame using lokpal bill as an alibi. People who’ve different opinion may keep it to themselves because im just using my right to speech. However you may as well appreciate my words and bring me a tad bit closer to Mr. Hazare.

So , where were we? Yes, Anna Hazare. So the thing is when this country was leading a perfectly normal life and people had their own problems to cope up with, then came our Super-m-anna. He caused havoc in the political world and had the politician on their toes for weeks at a go. The second non-violent angry old man after Gandhi , proved to be a true Gandhian but there seemed to be a glitch in his struggle.Had he been Bapu, Lokpal would have been a cakewalk. I , after a lot of survey and a going through bundles of newspapers, have finally found out the glitch. So lets look at it this way,Anna did a hunger strike, Anna was bedridden, recovered, another strike, bedridden, recovered and the story goes on. That’s the problem. Anna is not dedicated to his goal.

So that is one side of the coin. Lets flip it.


Anna Hazare is nothing but Aamir khan’s replica in the real world. Aamir gives one hit movie in the year and goes into hibernation. Anna gives one hit to the Government and gets bedridden. Long story short, heis not here to stay . Yes, Anna tried his best to get the bill passed, but his public speaking turned to mute spectatorship in the parliament, he was called for a one-o-one and he was not even able to put his views forward . and what he did put forward was modified by the Government for their own betterment. Face it. Things don’t run like this in India. You cannot feed people and get their support. Among the masses only a handful have any idea , what actually Lokpal is and how is it going to be of any use. You don’t shout  “LOKPAL ! LOKPAL !” and get the bill passed. The masses need to rise. Anna Saheb , you need to tell the masses, what a lokpal is. You didn’t know the use of water until you were told it was there to quench thirst. There are lot of other complicated issues this country and its people are facing, why make it more complicated.

Educate the masses, donot feed them ! Anna ji, you have an IPS ( read Kiran Bedi ) and an engineer ( Arvind Kejriwal) . use them and see things going your way.

Lastly , Anna is a great man , no doubt but things have changed and Bapu’s time is gone.Gandhigiri looks good in Munnabhai movies, not in real life. I don’t support violence , but now if you have to get things done you need to cut through mountains .
लेखक : ओशो , उम्र २० वर्ष, दिल्ली .

टिप्पणी के साथ अपना ई मेल दे जिस पर हम आपको जवाब दे सकें


  1. बिहार मीडिया ब्लॉग पर एक से एक बढ़िया ब्लोग्स है....! लगा कोई तो हैं इन तथाकथित सभ्य समाज (CIVIL SOCIETY) की मंशा को समझने वाला.

    आदर्श के भल्ला 9873173504


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