Frankly आप मुझे मानसिक प्रताडना दे रहे है । सही समझना है तो भी गलत समझते है तो भी , मै आपके सवाल जबाब से थक गई हूँ

ymy confession and its explanation.  :: ""Frankly आप मुझे मानसिक प्रताडना दे रहे है । सही समझना है तो भी गलत समझते है तो भी , मै आपके सवाल जबाब से थक गई हूँ""

यह एक महिला के उदगार है । मेरे द्वारा किये गए सवाल जवाब को उन्होंने नासिक प्रताड़ना माना और मुझे यह जवाब दिया । मै यह स्वीकार करता हूँ कि उनकी फेसबुक पर जारी गतिविधियों पर मैंने सैकड़ो सवाल खड़े किये और निश्चित रूप से उन्हें बहुत परेशानी हुई होगी जिसे उन्होंने प्रताड़ना की श्रेणी में रखते हुए अपनी नाराजगी व्यक्त की । मेरे साथ भाषा की समस्या है। मै स्वंय को हिदी भाषा में बेहतर तरीके से अभिव्यक्त (express ) नहीं करा पाता हूँ इसलिए मैं यह ब्लॉग अंग्रेजी में लिख रहा हूँ । हालांकि अत्यंत सामान्य बोलचाल में उपयोग किये जानेवाले अंग्रेजी का इस्तेमाल मैंने किया है ताकि पाठको को परेशानी न हो।

"many of the times things slipped even from rough hand ,no logic could  convincingly justify what and whether palm was unctuous  enough  ? ""

this happened in my case too,   
this started with simple friendship on social media interacting platform, facebook ,my memory still remember , on 16th of august 2014we became friend. everything was running smoothly as usual ,i am on social media since more than 10 years but was never indulge in any type of serious relationship , no, no , don't jump .... don't creat any false perception about relationship that was slowly taking shape.
it was eternal,platonic ... no ingredient  of bodily affection ....
i was on facebook with resolution to counter all type of fundamentalism ... irrespective of their religious, social ,caste based or political ideological .
i was voice of common, impartial, confused, lured,induced but honest people. definitely i was sore in the eyes of all, Hindu fundamentalist,Islamic  fundamentalist, cased oriented socialist, Islamic fundamentalist sympathiser communist, indeed they were too against me.
she was novice but with spark though in grip of Hindu fundamentalist , coveted or declared .
what amusing i found , her friend list , full of lechers  . I discovered , few of the people , indulge in this act . they are patronising, promoting and protecting these lechers.    
I noticed them . though they were being controlled by RSS but their agenda was very clear.
first was to make a large follower base, sentimentally prepared them for sinister act to spread rumour  on    facebook.
second, to suppress any voice against RSS and modi.
i was in their hit list but my credential of impartiality and vocal opposition to Islamic fundamentalism perhaps brought some hope to  bring me in within their group though whenever i made any posting against modi or RSS, i was targeted ,i was abused, threatened and above all was humiliated by posting edited family photographs.  
those leading were 1. विजय ठाकुराय ,Ajit singh, sarita chaudhary, ज्योति अवस्थी, Tribhuvan singh, surendra solanki,sumant bhattacharya.

surprisingly this woman was the single lady on facebook who was in friend list of all lecher and their leaders indluge in Lascivious behavior.

I would prefer to start with activity of विजय ठकुराय ।
i have ranked them in their lewd, licentious order.
1.विजय सिंह ठकुराय
2. Sumant bhattacharya
3.Tribhuwan singh
4. संजय कोटियाल
5.Surendra solanki
6. Friends of Ajit singh associated with Udyan  ( excluding Ajit singh)
these are persons whose behaviour on facebook was most inappropriate, indecent, unchaste, libidinous and listful .
apart from them , few women were also there.
1. Sarika chaudhary
2.komal garg
these two were sexually involve or were having some sort of explicit relation with their exclusive friends, a type of coterie, gang , projecting group.
  विजय ठकुराय is gay and has confessed . gay and lesbian play  two type of role.
a male who desire to be female is called ""Bottom"" and perform sexual of female with only difference of organ, he use his ass as vagina. many male prefer a bottom gay  instead of female , they are called "Top"
विजय is bottom . being unconventional in sexual desire or having different type of orientation is not an issue unless it doesn't harms others.
we saw , a doctor of AIIMS took extreme step of suicide  because of the gayhood of her husband .
now question may arise , if orientation does not count , why i was against विजय ठकुराय ?
most of these bottoms are timid  , they do not dare to live in or to marry with their partner  rather they knot with female for the sake of society,family and to advance heredity . just to satisfy parent's ego to keep the family chain alive , add clan or to restrain family , generation to be extinct ,very  seldom,they bed with their wives rather they forced or create a situation where their insatiable  wives in the  need of  physical pleasure, happily establish explicit sexual relation with another man selected by her gay husband. such men are usually lured to satisfy gay  husband  and wives are used as  "fishing bait "   caterpillars attached with fishing hook ,angling.

is sexual behavior that is contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior. It is similar in meaning to "lewd", "lustful", "indecent", "unchaste", "licentious" or "libidinous".
initially i didnot take notice but


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