भारत के बाबाओं अब तो योनि से ऊपर सोचो।

लीजिये पढ़िए इन बाबा का नया शिगूफा । कुंठित दिमाग वालो सेक्स से वंचित बाबाओ के दिमाग में सिर्फ सेक्स भरा रहता है । किसी न किसी बहाने ये अपनी कुंठित मानसिकता का प्रदर्शन कर ही देते हैं । ये है Shri Param Eswaran एक भारतीय बाबा और यह निचे का पोस्ट उनके गूगल प्लस एंव से लिया हुआ है ।

Sacred Womb/Yoni Empowerment 4 days retreat in Ashland Oregon

People in the US will have the rare opportunity to send 4 days with the father of ParaTan Inner Sakthi Yoga, Master of the Living Goddess Tradition and founder of the Mahavidya Temple in Tamil Nadu South India, and in Seremban Malaysia, learning about the Sacredness of the womb.


Many women out there may ask what a man knows about a woman womb, precisely I do not know much about the womb, but have the blessing of Mother Kali to know then divinity of the womb and the right sound frequency that will remove old memories of hurt or trauma thus clearing blockages that prevents the Divinity within to be active.
Yoni according to ancient scriptures (Vedas, Samayacaratantra, YoniTantra)


From the Yoni the Universe is created, born, and nurtured and upon death it is to the Yoni we return.

Within the three corners of the Yoni are Brahma (the Creator/Father), Vishnu (the Preserver/Son), and Shiva (the Destroyer/Holy Ghost).

Within the Yoni/Womb of Devi/Nature is the origin of the worlds, the Gods and all living beings.

Yoni Puja is the worship par excellence, and by omitting it every other Puja is rendered worthless.

Maha Shakti (Devi) is divided into four parts, each corresponding with a great Age or Yuga. Our present age is the Kali Yuga, for which Yoni worship is indicated.
(Schoterman, 1980)


The Yoni is divided into ten different Shakti Goddesses, associated with the Dasha Mahavidya (Ten Great Knowledge’s or Ten Wisdom Goddesses)

If mantra is the soul of the deity, Yantra is the deity’s body (Feuerstein, 1998, p. 217). The Yoni is the Yantra of the Universe.

The Yoni or womb is the seat of absolute divine presence and power, Adthi-Para-Shakti (Feuerstein, 1998, p.247).

Within the Living Goddess Tradition, Women are the embodiment of Adthi-Para-Shakti on Earth.

The divinity is what my teaching and healing work deals with, not the physical aspect of the Yoni. It is blessing in deed to serve the Living Goddess (women), to help her regain her Sacred Power so that she may relive her free and wild nature. Patriarchal movement came into existence to curtail the Living Goddess, so that men can feel good about themselves. Men have feared the power of the women 3000 years ago and are still feared, as they are ill equipped to live with them and at the same time cannot live without them.


How does Sound Healing affect the Yoni?

As the divine seat of power for the universe, the Yoni is a receptive vessel which contains the thoughts and emotions we put into it. The unfortunate case in today’s world is that women and men alike have lost the understanding of true power, woman’s power, Yoni (Womb) power. The result is the many and varied reproductive illnesses and diseases prevalent today. When we do not honor the powers of the Yoni, we place toxins into our Holy Grail and it becomes poisoned, dull, lifeless, and at long last, lost. Understanding the divine qualities and powers of the Yoni is the first step women especially must take in order to recognize how our misogynist conditioning has poisoned our thoughts and our emotions so that we have not only forgotten our power, but now actively work against them.

• Para-Tan-Sound-Healing is a powerful practice which may be applied for a range of results, depending upon the passion of the individual. 

• Sound Healing breaks up emotional trauma stored as neuro-peptides in cell receptor sites, and allows for a free flow of energy to rebuild healthy, vital cells and tissue (Pert, 2003).

• According to the passion level of each individual, Para-Tan may simply heal illness and provide health and happiness or it may be used as a powerful and profoundly effective tool for accelerated spiritual growth. This is especially true for couples who are committed to spiritual growth and sharing their loving journey and life together. However it may be used, whether as preventative medicine, maintenance and/or spiritual evolution, Para-Tan is the most powerful and direct method available on Earth to clear and activate one’s ‘nadi’ system.

• Para-Tan-Sound-Healing utilizes the sacred bija mantras of the Dasha Mahavidya, thus activating the qualities of the divine goddesses within. One must recognize that thoughts are directly responsible for the creation of either healthy or unhealthy emotions. Para-Tan can and does break up the cells but the thoughts must be purified by none other than one’s own inner guru. Success will depend upon the passion for knowing one’s true self, and varies with each individual. 

• To find, reclaim, and activate one’s Yoni/Holy Grail, one has to have an understanding of the powers of the Goddess.  The true powers of the Yoni/ Shakti /Devi/Woman are: Love, Grace, Compassion, Nurturing, Serving, Creativity, Goodness, Humility, Softness, Honesty, Steadfastness, Inner Strength, and Wisdom.

• One must learn how to deprogram and reprogram their thinking in order to halt and reverse the destructive conditioning causing illness to take up residence within the divine seat of power. Para-Tan-Sound-Healing will break up the cells, but each one of us must take the responsibility to be grateful, appreciate the opportunity and gift we have been given and remedy our thought pattern so we do not recreate stagnation within our nadis, which caused the diseased cells in the first place. It also breaks up energetic blockages and cells which are created and reinforced by environmental pollution, both physical and mental. 
 Write to me should you want to learn this ancient art of empowering the Sacred Womb, in a very sacred and respectful ritualistic worship using bija mantras.


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