Never say them हिजड़ा or Shemale : Respect their identity

most of the people even dont know whether hijra,transgender and shemale are same and whether shemale have genital of male and female both . now today we are dealing that subject which the hypocrites Indians avoid to discuss.
Question : whether shemale have genital of male and female both ?

Answer  ::  Normally yes; they have and or there is no reason to call them shemale. shemale , hijra are slang and humiliating . biological terms for shemale is hermaphrodite. they are born with both genital . many animal and almost every plant is hermaphrodite.    animal or plant; having both male female reproductive organs they dont need other partner for reproduction . reproduction may take place without the union of the distinct individuals. 
The typical reason to label someone a shemale is the presence of both male (penis) and female (vagina) genitals. This is the accepted norm for use of the term in general conversation and in adult entertainment labels.
However; shemale is technically slang and there is no clinical definition to the term. There are a few people who define themselves as shemale based purely on how they feel inside and not based on what body parts are present.
The clinical term for a person that has both physical genders is: hermaphrodite. Shemale is generally considered slang for hermaphrodite; but nothing actually forces people to use the word correctly (and some don't).
Shemale is sometimes incorrectly used (or intentionally used in an offensive way) in place of the following situations, which are technically not shemales: cross dressers and transgender.

Cross dressers : people (usually men) who happen to dress as women (whether for fun or entertainment or any other reason). Typically cross dressers are fully functional men (with penis, no vagina) who just happen to wear women's clothing (for whatever their chosen reason).
Transgender: a person (male or female) who believes they are born in the wrong type of body. Transgenders may or may not seek medical help in changing their bodies to the opposite sex and may spend years in various states of semi-change. This may include a variety of options that may or may not include the addition or subtraction of breasts, penis or vagina in whatever order they have chosen to pursue their operations. At any given time they may or may not become hermaphrodite with both genitals though this option is typically avoided.
People who are born transgender typically want to end up as a single gender and avoid ending up with both genitals (unless they choose that route for entertainment(porn) or fun); as opposed to a natural born hermaphrodite who happens to begin life with both sets of parts.
Shemale as said is typically considered slang for hermaphrodite; thus when used to refer to a transgender or cross dresser it is typically viewed as offensive. (though it does depend on the person and in what stage of surgery they may or may not be in)


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