
Showing posts from 2016

नास्तिक सम्मेलन ,कुछ अनुत्तरित सवाल

नास्तिक सम्मेलन के संयोजक स्वामी बालेन्दु जी के नाम खुला प त्र : स्वामी जी अपने इस पत्र की शुरुआत मैं एक वर्ड आफ विजडम से करना चाहता हूँ । "",  Theist believe God  exist but the Atheist believe God doesn't exist ,on one point both  are unanimous that is that the faith in their believe . Lesson:  faith in believe is God " बालेन्दु जी सबकुछ खैरियत तो है ? इधर देखा कोई नास्तिक सम्मेलन आप कर रहे थे जिसमे वीएचपी,बजरंग दल वगैरह वालो ने बाधा पहुचाई और सम्मेलन रद्द करना पड़ा । मुझे तो पहचान ही रहे होंगे ? 2012 में जब आप सोशल मीडिया में पहचान बनाने का प्रयास कर रहे थे तब हम जुड़े थे ,याद आया ? आपके ब्लॉग/लेखों का अंग्रेजी से हिंदी में रूपांतरण का कार्य  भी किया था मैंने  , जिसका आभार आपने प्रकट किया था ,यह सब याद दिलाने का कारण मात्र यह है कि आप शांतिपूर्वक मेरे इस पत्र को पढकर तार्किक जवाब दे ।  स्वामी जी एकबात मैं नहीं समझ पाया यह नास्तिक सम्मेलन करने का औचित्य क्या था ? फन विद फ्रेंड तो ठीक है ,लेकिन इवेई फन विद एथिस्ट फ्रेंड का क्या मतलब हुआ ? स्वामी जी...

Dirty politics and vulturish progressive :

Dirty politics and vulturish progressive : Bansal is now a new weapon for people of self claimed progressive class to bring  a politician in dock . Bansal was not a gullible person . He was IAS , arrested in connection with a case of bribery . During search over the amount of 56 lakh in cash,jewellery and gold worth 87 lakh apart from documents for  the property of crores was seized . So this Billionaire Bansal is martyr for leaders of downtrodden class of society ,what an irony ! contention of controversy is two suicide notes ,one by the senior Bansal and second by his son . Earlier wife and daughter of Bansal had suicide on 19th July . Allegations of torturing to his wife and daughter by CBI official  has been levelled in his suicide note . So far involvement of a prominent politician is concerned ,it is limited to his reference on phone by a senior CBI official claiming to have patronage of that politician . what much surprising is the silence and inactiveness of Bans...

Prohibiton : Insanity of Nitish kumar

Prohibition an autocratic act : Sometimes ruler act in whimsical manner , prohibition in Bihar was sheer example of such act . When ruler fail to keep his promises made to people ,he playfully act to divert the attention . what one will eat or drink is a personal choice unless this choice infringe personal liberty of others or adversely affects interest of the society at large . wine consumption is in practice since the period immortal . a drunkard may create trouble at public place but for that we have the law. what false excuses have been placed by Mr. Nitish is the health hazard and violence in family but for too we have law ,if he was more serious,some stringent clauses may be added or amendment would have been made . Government never implemented laws meant to maintain law and order conditions . Rash driving,stalking ,nuisance at public places are common features . What the Government, whether central or state, do uttermost is to impose higher rate of tax to discourage consumption ...


दूर कही आज भी तुम दिखती हो, तेरी कदमो की आहट तेरा वह अल्हड़पन शोखी और लहराते हुए बाल हाँ तुम यहीं हो ,कहीं आसपास तूने सुना ,हां वो उस नदी से आती सिसकन जिसके पनघट पे मिलते थे कभी और कन्धे पे रख सर सुनती थी नदी के जल का संगीत और मैं बरगद सा समेट लेता था आगोश में हां वही नदी फुट फुट कर  रोई थी जब देखा था मुझे अकेले ,शांत सजी हुई चिता पर करते तेरा इन्तजार याद है न तुझे वह पनघट ,वह कलरव ,वह किनारा जन्मों का वादा आज भी तेरे इन्तजार में बैठा रहता हूँ रातभर कुछ नहीं बदला ,न नदी ,न किनारा ,न पनघट बस बदला है तो नदी का संगीत सिसकती है अब नदी देखकर मुझे करते तेरा इन्तजार ।

मुझमे मेरा कुछ नही

मुझमे ,मेरा कुछ नही  me,  owe nothing Mother , mostly remained silent . Her Stony persona never permitted to flourish my childhood and adolescence  . I always identified myself matured. hardly anyone visits  our house except the newspaper’s hawker  and milkman . One day I hesitantly asked, mother, why no one visit us? Unlike my estimation, instead of stress, a relief spread over my  mother’s  face,  perhaps mother was waiting  since  years to counter  the same question. It was the mother’s stressless face that always awakened    a sense of courage within me. My Childhood starts  to sprout inside me, my wish to swing   in mother’s neck, hide the head in her lap  but  the  Wish did not ever realize. Mom had told , Mom and Dad had fled away and  love married against the wishes of the family . After two years of marriage, my father died in a road accident. Everyone  blamed moth...