Does Size Really Matter?
Does Size Really Matter? In male society, generally speaking, great emphasis is placed on the size of a man's penis. In male to male relationships, penis size is often equated with power, prowess, and ability. In fact, there is much truth to this. A very large penis indicates a superabundance of Yang energy, which is certainly useful on the battle field, for hunting, and other strictly male pursuits. However, in relationships with women, penis size is practically irrelevant. Much more important is that a man's penis should 'fit' the woman's vagina. There are, in fact, three different 'sizes' if you will, to be aware of. A woman may have a shallow Vagina, a medium sized one, or a deep Vagina. It is extremely important that the man's penis is the right size. A large penis needs a deep vagina and may even be damaging for a woman with a shallow Vagina. On the other hand a shorter penis will have trouble satisfying a deep Vagina. Fortunately, most of us ar...